Sunday, March 22, 2009



"Dialectics" comes from the Greek word "dialogue" which means "to converse between." Thus dialectics is the technique of conversing. Definitions of dialectics changed throughout the years to mean "the study of the theory of knowledge," as well as the art of "demonstrating a proposed thesis by means of the classification of concepts and the rigorous distinction between them.

In reality, dialectics is, in general, a means of organizing knowledge consisting of proposing ideas by putting forward their opposite and reasoning (in dialogue) to obtain a result which is assumed to be the truth. The process involves forming a thesis (what is), its antithesis (what could be), and the synthesis (what it becomes).

In our current age dialectics has been divided into two categories. Scientific dialectics deals with applying intuitive-rational knowledge, object-subject, and individual-society dichotomies against each other. Systems dialectics applies to all branches of science due to the ever increasing changes in our globalized world.

The act of thinking and thought is linked to dialectics insofar as the latter is a means of discerning between true and false (true thought, false thought or the wrong hypothesis) to understand things. The result is the subjective human truth.
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